Welcome to the Pulaar-Fulfulde Project Home Page

Why Fula-Saasannde.net?

The website www.fula-saasannde.net serves as a medium of expression and interface for the Pulaar-Fulfulde Project whose rationale and aims are expounded in the next Pulaar-Fulfulde Project section.

Saasannde means a Think Tank, a Research Institute, a meeting place where time-ahead ideas are discussed and advanced concepts tried.

Fula means the FULƁE Family and Nation, belonging to FULƁE, oriented to FULƁE realities, dedicated to safeguarding and enriching the FULƁE ontology, their core spiritual and intellectual assets.

Why Pulaar-Fulfulde Project?

The Pulaar-Fulfulde Project aims to nurturing value creation deriving its strength and its rationale - as further explained in the Introduction to the Pulaar-Fulfulde Project - from the FULƁE Culture and Language. To that effect one of its core tenets (more).


Mr Ahmet Sow, (Email: muslim.sow (at)gmail.com) as Project Lead is the Moral and legally Responsible Party for this site's contents (see more)

Technical Realization: please contact info (at) fula-saasannde.net when experiencing access issues or reporting inappropriate content.

Last updated: 3rd March 2017; Statistics: