The Pulaar-Fulfulde Project Mission


The Pulaar-Fulfulde Project aims to nurturing Value Creation deriving its strength and its rationale - as further explained in the introduction to the Pulaar-Fulfulde Project. - from the FULƁE Culture and Language. To that effect one of its core tenets is the promotion of full command of scientific expression and investigation. In this view the first step has been set toward translating, commenting, and specifically conceptualizing scientific terms and expressions into the Pulaar-Fulfulde Language and Culture.

Basic Facts and Challenges

The wide geographic extension of the FULƁE living space: from East to West Africa and from the Sahara to Equatorial Africa; as well their unique pastoralist culture has led to appreciable variations in conceptualizing, which in fact reflects a sharp sense in perception and extensive description abilities crystallizing in a wealth of metaphoric approaches, thus conferring onto the Pulaar-Fulfulde a striking aptitude to accurately, expressively and appealingly render new scientific terms and expressions; therefore a unique asset which just needs to be fully valorized in the process of making the Pulaar-Fulfulde a powerful medium of scientific expression. However there is still lack of serious undertaking to streamline and pick the most meaningful concepts along the best performing pedagogic methods for a FULƁE-wide system of curricula, expressive encyclopedia and in the Pulaar-Fulfulde Culture and Language grounded scientific core manuals.


Due to the lack of previous experience and an organized, staffed and well-funded body, unlike say the History of the Modernization of the Russian Language thanks to the daring initiative and unflinching support of Peter the Great, as well the current pressing need to uplift the Pulaar-Fulfulde Language for full command of scientific expression and investigation towards true Value Creation, a Methodology which makes extensive use of the Language richness and grammatical accuracy as well a wealth of available metaphor-Ansatz has been adopted: one instance thereof is the availability of suffixes conveniently referring to each of the three fundamental states with further reference; as exemplified in lesson 2E, and lesson 4E, or putting into contribution the Language richness when describing more elaborated processes, requiring new denominations as in lesson 4E and lesson 5E additionally a pedagogic approach featuring new Pulaar-Fulfulde physical units to make plain and impart scientific concepts through a case-scenario building as in item1 Marmbilde has been adopted.

Current State and Perspectives

In the process of implementing the above-mentioned Methodology, a series of Lessons, of which the sample lessons on conceptualization are a representative sample, firstly covering the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry has been devised whereby each proposed Pulaar-Fulfulde scientific concept is thoroughly explained and substantiated by scientific facts. Critics and suggestions are always welcome when introducing more precise terms and expressions. I however kindly ask critics to follow the procedure which leads to the proposal of an alternative term, namely the explanation of the submitted concept in its various context-related Pulaar-Fulfulde shades of meaning along succinct scientific evidence supporting the assertion. In so doing, we're consciously swayed by the aim of working out a clean, concise literature body as well a performing Methodology upon which to build for a structured and encompassing encyclopedia.

***Yoo PULAAGU wuur, foola. Sehil mon, Pullo PEREEJO***